Molecular characterization of chilli leaf curl virus and ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii’ infecting Capsicum annuum, India

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E-ISSN: 2229-4473.
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DOI: 10.1007/s42535-025-01164-7
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Views: 188

Keywords: Mixed infection, Begomovirus, Phytoplasma, Phylogenetic, Recombination, Diversity, Genetic variation


Chilli pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is a vital spice and cash crop in India, contributing significantly to the agricultural economy and food industry. This study aimed to identify the causal agents of yellow leaf curl and little leaf disease symptoms observed in chilli pepper in Uttar Pradesh, India. Genomic DNA was extracted from 25 symptomatic samples and analyzed using PCR with universal primers targeting begomoviruses and phytoplasma. PCR amplification confirmed the presence of both pathogens: begomovirus (DNA-A and betasatellite) and phytoplasma (16S rRNA and SecA genes), indicating a mixed infection in chilli crops. Sequence analysis of the begomovirus revealed 94.2% identity with ChiLCV isolates from Oman, while ’Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii’ was identified as infecting plant species in India. Phylogenetic and in silico recombination analyses highlighted significant evolutionary divergence and frequent recombination events in begomoviruses and phytoplasma, driven by inter- and intra-species genetic exchanges. This study provides the first in silico evidence of a combined ChiLCV and ’Ca. P. trifolii’ infection in chilli pepper in India, underscoring their adaptive evolution to new hosts and geographic regions.

Mixed infection, Begomovirus, Phytoplasma, Phylogenetic, Recombination, Diversity, Genetic variation


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Author Information

Department of Biotechnology, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University, Uttar Pradesh, Gorakhpur, India