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Chandola Shikha, Sukirti, Bhandari Maneesh S., Meena Rajendra K.
Conservation, n Indopiptadenian , Integrated conservation approach, monotypic genus, RET
The Indopiptadenia Brenan, a monotypic genus with only species Indopiptadenia oudhensis (Brandis) Brenan, is critically endangered with only remnant population occurring in the Indo-Nepal border along the Himalayan foothills. Despite, it has been poorly investigated and devoid of critical information of conservation importance. Present study aims to review the introspection and conservation approaches for Indopiptadenia oudhensis and identify gaps to improve and maintain its conservation status. Accordingly, some conservation strategies are proposed to manage, maintain, and improve its population status. Field surveys at Tuligad and Sukhidhang Beat of the Champawat Forest Division (ChFD, Uttarakhand, India) revealed severe anthropogenic disturbances such as lopping and fire incidences, which are making population survival difficult. We recorded very low tree density (∼ 7 trees ha− 1) comparing to earlier reports (∼ 440 stems ha− 1). In our study, the seeds collected during May showed 100% germination in incubator and 80% in nursery when sown immediately within a week of harvesting. Owing to the good germination ability, regeneration has also been observed satisfactorily in the forest. Despite, the populations are progressing towards deterioration because of poor conversion rate from seedlings to saplings and adult trees, which was also evident with smaller number of individuals in middle diameter class. Hence, seed-based conservation approach could play a crucial role in its conservation, if supported with the knowledge of phenology, reproductive biology, mating system, seed biology, genetic diversity and population dynamics. For conservation, In situ, ex situ and integrated approaches adopted in other Rare, Endangered and Threatened (RET) species were discussed and reviewed in relevance to I. oudhensis for their potential applicability. Through this review we intend to attract the global attention and advocate assigning an appropriate conservation status of this species by the international agencies. We outline four basic approaches to strengthen conservation measures for this monotypic genus so that lesser known timber species could be recognized worldwide for sustainable development.
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Authors are thankful to the Director and Vice Chanceler, Forest Research Institute deemed to be University, Dehradun for providing facilities. The work supported by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC), New Delhi, Government of India (GoI) under National Compensatory Afforestation Fund (NCAF) with grant Sanction Order No.75/2019/ICFRE (R)/RP/SFRESPE (CAMPA)/AICRP-2/FRI/Main File/365; dated: July 3, 2020.