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Akhi Tuz Mia Nur, Sultana Irin, Faroq Abdullah Al, Bhuia Md. Shimul, Chowdhury M. Mohi Uddin, Haider Rafiqul, Coutinho Henrique Douglas Melo, Islam Muhammad Torequl, Chowdhury M. Mohi Uddin, Haider Rafiqul
Keywords: n Curculigo orchioidesn , Rhizome extracts, Phytochemical analysis, Bioactivity assessment
Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. is used in Ayurveda and Unani herbal medicines. Its rhizomes are sweet, cooling, aphrodiciac-viriligenic, diuretic, and tonic and are utilized in hemorrhoids, skin diseases, leucorrhoea, bronchitis, pruritis, and jaundice. The purpose of this study was to assess the preliminary phytochemical and pharmacological effects of the rhizome extracts of C. orchioides. For this, the dried rhizomes were extracted in ethanol, followed by fractionation with chloroform and n-hexane. All these fractions then underwent phytochemical screening and bioactivity investigation, including anti-bacterial, radical scavenging, anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, antidiarrheal, and anxiolytic activity using suitable in vitro and/or in vivo studies. Findings suggest that the plant rhizomes contain alkaloids, glycosides, steroids, saponins, tannins, gums, reducing sugar, flavonoids, and amides. The organic fractions of the plant inhibited tested bacteria within the zone of inhibition range 12.39 ± 0.67 and 15.61 ± 0.79 mm. The chloroform extract acted against all the test bacteria effectively. All the fractions showed significant concentration-dependent radical scavenging, protein denaturation inhibition, cytoprotective, and hypoglycemic, as well as significant dose-dependent antidiarrheal and anxiolytic effects. Ethanol extract showed a highest alpha-amylase inhibitory effect than the chloroform and n-hexane fractions. However, in other cases, the chloroform fraction exhibited better effects overall than the ethanol and n-hexane fractions. We suppose our observed bioactivities may link with the presence of important phytochemicals in C. orchioides rhizome extracts. Taken together, the C. orchioides rhizomes might be a good source of pharmacologically active lead compounds for oxidative stress and inflammatory diseases and disorders. Further studies are proposed to isolate its active principles and their mechanisms of action for each biological effect using in vivo studies.
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Department of Pharmacy, Southern University Bangladesh, Chattagram, Bangladesh