Keywords: Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB), n Dalbergia sissoo Roxb., Genotypes, FTIR
Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) are well known potential candidate for improving soil health and thus plant growth promotion. Impact of PSB isolated from forest ecosystem on wheat crop still remains a major area to explore. Present study involves the screening of 18 PSB recovered from three Dalbergia sissoo provenances (Lachhiwala, Tanakpur and Pantnagar) of Uttarakhand, India against three wheat genotypes (PBW 502, HD 2329 and UP 262) under pot trial condition. PSB inoculation positively influences wheat agronomic traits and promote three soil enzyme activities e.g. alkaline phosphatase, fluorescein di acetate hydrolysis and urease which considered as soil health indicators. Maximum phosphate solubilizing index (3.6 cm) and zinc solubilizing index (2.8 cm) was observed in strain P2. Maximum soluble P concentration was observed in strain P2 (81.1 mg mL−1) followed by P4 (56 mg mL−1) and L3 (50.46 mg mL−1). Significant pH drop were observed during P solubilization due to production of organic acid which is a principal mechanism to solubilize inorganic P which further validated via Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. R-software analysis revealed that response of PSB inoculation were genotype-specific whereas principal component analysis results in selection of six efficient PSB strains e.g., Pseudomonas paralactis-L3, Klebsiella variicola-L4, Pseudomonas sp.-P2, Kitasatospora sp.-T1, Streptomyces sp.-T3 and Micrococcus sp.-T4.
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Department of Microbiology, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India