Isolation and characterization of l-asparaginase from seaweeds collected from Rameswaram coast, Southeast India

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Research Articles | Published:

DOI: 10.1007/s42535-023-00648-8
First Page: 1121
Last Page: 1130
Views: 1283

Keywords: n l-Asparaginase, n Ulva intestinalis (green), n Lobophora variegate (brown), n Halymenia dilatata (red), HPLC


The present study evaluates the production of l-asparaginase enzyme from the seaweeds of Ulva intestinalis L. (green), Lobophora variegata L. (brown), and Halymenia dilatata L. (red). The concentrations of ammonia and protein are tested in all three seaweeds. Among them, Ulva intestinalis contained a higher concentration of ammonia and protein with values of 404.166 ± 33.815 mg/mL and 8.233 ± 0.109 mg/mL, respectively. The HPLC results indicated that Lobophora variegata showed a higher peak (5) area percentage with a value of 35.911%, followed by Halymenia dilatata, which showed a peak (5) area percentage of 35.406%. Finally, Ulva intestinalis showed a peak (5) area percentage of 32.063. However, the HPLC results of the  l-asparaginase enzyme (extracted from the seaweeds) showed the highest peak (1) area percentage with a value of 100%. These findings show that the l-asparaginase enzyme extracted from these seaweeds might be utilized in food processing and pharmacological medicines. Further studies are needed to explore the biological activity of the l-asparaginase enzyme extracted from these seaweeds.


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Author Information

Department of Botany, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, India