Exploring the genetic diversity of ginger germplasm from North-East India under the New Alluvial Zone of West Bengal

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E-ISSN: 2229-4473.
Website: www.vegetosindia.org
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DOI: 10.1007/s42535-024-01136-3
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Keywords: Ginger germplasm, Genetic diversity, Correlations, Genetic variability, Rhizome yield


This study explores the genetic diversity of ginger germplasm from Northeast India under the New Alluvial Zone of West Bengal from 2019 to 2021 in order to identify high-yielding and high-quality varieties. A total of eighteen treatments, comprising fifteen germplasms and three standard varieties, were evaluated using a randomised block design with three replications. Fourteen agronomic parameters, quality, and yield-related traits, including essential oil, oleoresin, dry recovery, crude fibre, and rhizome yield, were measured. Genetic diversity and trait correlations were analysed using variance, genetic variability, heritability, genetic advance, correlation, path coefficient, and cluster analysis. Significant genetic variability was observed, particularly in oleoresin, rhizome yield, leaf area, and essential oil. Positive correlations with rhizome yield were identified for several morphological and quality traits. Path analysis highlighted the direct positive impact of traits like leaf breadth, dry recovery, leaf length, and oleoresin on rhizome yield. Clustering analysis showed high genetic diversity across clusters, with cluster II performing well in multiple yield-related and quality traits. These findings support the potential for clonal selection to enhance ginger yield and quality and also provide valuable insights for breeding programmes aimed at developing robust, high performing ginger varieties.

Ginger germplasm, Genetic diversity, Correlations, Genetic variability, Rhizome yield


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Author Information

Department of Plantation, Spices, Medicinal and Aromatic Crops, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Kolkata, India